IGGS Students Shines In Martial Arts and Chess


Chandrapur – Three students from Indira Gandhi Garden School (IGGS) here have brought laurels in division level martial arts and chess competitions. Two students namely Saumyata Shrungarapwar and Kavya Kuntewar have been selected for state level competitions in Thang-Ta martial arts, while Sarth Bujade has been selected for state level competition in Chess.

Std IX student Saoumyata played her division level selection bout in the under 17 year category in Wardha and was selected for state level based on her excellent performance. Similarly, Kavya from Std VI played his selection matches in the under 14 years category and was selected for state level competition on the basis of his excellent performance. Both the students will take part in upcoming state-level competition in Satara.

Std VI student Sarth’s performance in division level chess competition held at Bhandara pawed his way for state level competition. He will play the state level chess competition scheduled in Sindhudurg in the coming days. All these competitions were held under the joint aegis of the directorate of sports and youth services, Pune and respective district sports office.

Sports teachers of the school Vishal Chavan and Reshma Pathan trained and guided these students for their competitions. All three students were feted at the hands of the Principal of the school Bavani Jaykumar for their excellent performance.The vice president of the school management committee Rahul Puglia, office bearers and members of the committee, school administrator Jaykumar sir, all the teachers and staff have congratulated the students for their achievements.