Chandrapur: Indira Gandhi Garden School run by The Education and Cultural Society celebrated Children’s Day with fanfare. Teachers presented different cultural programmes during the event specially organised for students of the school.
Every year, 14th November, the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of the country. The day symbolising Pandit Nehru’s love for children is an effective means of raising awareness about children’s rights, education and welfare.
School Principal Bawani Jayakumar inaugurated the program by placing a wreath on the portrait of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and lighting the traditional lamp. All the teachers from Nursery to Std 12th performed various programs and enthralled everyone especially the students. The music teacher of the school started the programmme by singing Ganesh Vandana. Teachers of pre-primary classes performed dance and comedy skit for the children. The teachers of classes I to VI entertained the children by performing dances on melodious songs.
The dance performance by the class 9th and 10th teachers on retro music was the special highlight of the programme. The melodious songs of the 7th-8th and junior college teachers-teachers captivated everyone. The comedy skit presented by the school gents teachers and sports teacher received tremendous applause. In the end, the dazzling dance performance by the dance teacher made everyone tap their feet on the tunes of music.
Teacher Ashwini Burdkar conducted the proceedings of the programme. The programmme was successfully held under the guidance of school principal Bawani Jaykumar and administrator Jaykumar sir. All teaching and non-teaching staff worked hard to make the programme successful.